30 Mar 2020

A message from the Club Chaplain

In these unprecedented times, our Club Chaplain gives his advice for the lockdown

So we are now over a week into ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ and the initial frenzy of loo roll and stockpile buying seems to have reduced.  We have seen an amazing ‘virtual’ coming together of people with the ‘clap for the NHS’ event, many helping their vulnerable neighbours and over 700,000 people volunteering to help the NHS effort.

Our Rugby League community is known for friendliness, good humour and for being a family game.  We have seen this togetherness over recent weeks following the announcement of Rob Burrow's illness, and through the involvement of staff, supporters and others associated with our Club in the fantastic charity programme of walks, climbs -  with more planned.

So, in tough times like this, how do we stick together?  What should our response be so that we come out the other side healthier and better people?

It is important for all of us to approach this challenge in healthy ways, seeking to exhibit behaviours that encourage us to invest in people, relationships and our own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Work on your relationships….

We will all find our closest relationships are tested and stretched at this time when we may find ourselves cooped up together as families or housemates:

Talk to each other.  Yes, talk and use the time to develop good, open communication and find out more about each other so your relationships become stronger

Try to be less selfish and more selfless.  Offer help and be considerate and polite to those you live with

Many of us will have more time with our children, so use it wisely.  Have fun and create positive memories and bonds which will last for years

Use technology to keep in touch with people.  Let them know you are thinking of them. Call them – a phone or video call is worth a thousand text words

Choose balance amidst extremes…

It is easy to go to extremes.  The media can fuel our concerns, fears, hope, speculation and distrust. Choose to live somewhere in the middle:

Limit your time on social media or watching news on the television. Use them to stay connected and informed but be careful not to believe everything you read and hear

Focus on the things that you can be thankful for during this unique time.  Things like shelter, food, family, friends, healthcare and clean water. It’s easy to focus on the negative, but a spirit of thankfulness helps us keep a balanced perspective

Keep physically & mentally active

There’s lots of good online tools to help and inspire us. My wife has even managed get me to use her aerobic stepper whilst watching YouTube tutorials!

The Giants Community Trust has produced some online skills and fitness videos.  Check out their Twitter & Facebook pages along with…

The just-launched Rugby League #ActiveAtHome project, designed to help everyone keep active and improve their health and fitness in a safe environment

Go for that walk or bike ride if you can

Try a new skill or hobby like painting, gardening, playing a musical instrument or even learn a new language

Dig out one of those old boardgames from the cupboard

Stop, reflect and pray

If you’re feeling low, pressured, anxious or hemmed in, take time out and go into the garden or another room if you can:

Take deep breaths and slow down

Reflect on things that you have and the things that you can do…things that you can accomplish, ways that you can serve, things that you can learn, ways that you can engage…and do it Pray – which just means talking to God.  Many at the Club know that my faith is in Jesus. I regularly pray and read my Bible in order to gain wisdom and perspective. I pray for my family and friends. I pray for those who are hurting and sick during this crisis. I pray for our Players and all the Giants Staff.

Things may seem tough right now, but choose to see this challenge with a healthy perspective so that one day you can reflect on everything that happened and how it shaped you in positive ways.

Colin Campbell

Club Chaplain – Huddersfield Giants

