Matchday Information
Matchday Information Ticket Hotline 01484 484159
or to buy tickets online
Travelling by Car or Coach

Huddersfield Giants, The John Smith's Stadium, Stadium Way, Leeds Road, Huddersfield, HD1 6PG
The John Smith's Stadium is well signposted from all major routes into the Town.
From the West-Leave the M62 at Junction 23/24 and follow the signs into Huddersfield. Pick up signs for The John Smith's Stadium.From the East-Leave the M62 at Junction 25. Follow the signs for Huddersfield and then pick up the signposts for the John Smith's Stadium.
From the South-Leave the M1 at Junction 38 and follow the A637/A642 to Huddersfield. At the ring road follow signs for the A62 at the John Smith's Stadium.
Car Parking
Car parking is available at the Stadium in the St Andrews Road Car Park for £7. Please note that spaces are subject to availability. There are also unofficial car parks in close proximity to the ground, although local retail park spaces should not be used as they operate clamping systems. Disabled Car Parking must be pre-booked.
Coach and Mini Bus Parking
Coach parking is available at the Stadium in the St Andrews Road Car Park for £10. Mini buses are charged £8. Please note that spaces are subject to availability.
Travelling from the Train Station
The walk from the train station takes approximately 15 minutes (1 1/4 miles) and is signposted. Exit the train station heading through the square and past The George Hotel. Follow the road straight down, passing the Post Office on your right hand side. Cross the main dual carriageway using the pelican crossing - the Stadium will now be in view.
Continue down this road (Leeds Road) and head towards the large Gasometer. Head towards this and turn right, just before it to get onto Gas Works Street. Pass The Gas Works Club on your left and continue down here to the next set of traffic lights. Cross straight across at the traffic lights and you are into the stadium complex. There is also a taxi rank outside the Train Station.
To plan your journey and buy your train tickets online at the Northern website or download the mobile app
Travelling from the Bus Station
Follow the signs for the train station, then follow as per the Train Station instructions above. The Train Station is 400 metres from the Bus Station. The walk takes approximately 18-20 minutes. There are numerous buses from the Bus Station. If catching one, ask for those that run along Leeds Road past the John Smith's Stadium.
For further local travel advice, please ring West Yorkshire Metro on 0113 245 7676

Advertising and Hospitality packages
The Stadium has some of the highest quality facilities in the sport and our Commercial Manager Brian Blacker would be delighted to discuss any requirements with you. From a meal for two and entry to the match, to a match sponsorship package, we cater for all needs and excel on providing a day of entertainment and fun. For further details, please contact Brian Blacker, Commercial Manager, on 07989 384090 or brian@giantsrl.com
If you would like more information or anything else please do not hesitate to call 01484 484100 or email your questions to enquiries@giantsrl.com. The club will try and answer any queries you may have.